Here is a list of the best non-comedogenic face oils that are suitable for all skin types and will keep your skin healthy, glowing, and clear!
It is ideal for all skin types to heal and repair skin. It is most effective for fine lines, acne, eczema, and psoriasis. It is excellent for softening and rejuvenating the skin.
Benefits: moisturizes and reduce the appearance of fine lines and combats acne-causing bacteria
To use, massage a few drops into your skin for a natural makeup remover.

It is high in vitamin C, making it one of the best face oils for deeply nourishing, smoothing fine lines, and repairing damaged skin. It is ideal for all skin types, reducing fine lines and increasing skin suppleness.
Benefits: moisturizes and reduce the appearance of fine lines.
combats acne-causing bacteria
Use: Simply massage a few drops into your skin to create a natural makeup remover.

This oil is beneficial to all skin types, especially mature skin.
Benefits: protects the skin, gives it radiance, and clears the complexion
To use, dab a few drops of oil on your face.

One of the best oils for acne-prone skin, it nourishes and conditions the skin to treat oily skin while also moisturizing it.
Benefits: high in antioxidants, prevents acne, fades dark circles, and promotes longer nail growth.
Use it in your oil cleansing routine or as a face and body moisturizer.

The antibacterial properties of the neem oil treat skin issues such as acne, hyperpigmentation, burns, and eczema while also protecting and moisturizing your skin. It clears the skin and fights acne-causing bacteria.
Benefits: heals the skin, fights fungal infection, protects skin from aging
To prevent acne, mix 1-2 drops of tea tree oil into neem oil and apply before going to bed.

The oil is high in essential fatty acids, vitamin E, vitamin C, and linolenic acid.
Benefits: healthy skin fights acne improves complexion smoothes fine lines
To use, mix 2-3 drops of oil into your moisturizer.

Argan oil – rich in fatty acids and vitamin E, it conditions and moisturizes the skin while protecting and repairing it.
Benefits: Natural moisturizer, prevent future breakouts, Stretch marks, and smooth dry chapped lips.
Use it as a face massage oil with a jade roller or a gua sha.

High in omega 7 fatty acids, which help to heal and repair aging skin. It is ideal for all skin types.
Benefits: stronger nails, the removal of sunspots, and the treatment of acne. Skin that shines
To use, combine it with other oils and a few drops of essential oils before applying them to your face and body.

The oil contains omega 9 fatty acid, which has antibacterial and cleansing properties and is ideal for deep cleaning your skin and pores.
Benefits: the treatment of stretch marks and the strengthening of the nails, anti-aging, and smooth dry lips.
To use: Include it in your oil cleansing routine. Mix equal parts castor oil and jojoba oil. Massage it all over your face for a few minutes. Apply a hot towel to your face for 30 seconds and then wipe it away with a warm moist towel.

This oil is excellent for all skin types and is well-known for its ability to repair damaged skin, fight aging, and reverse sun damage. It is also high in omega 2 fatty acids, which are essential for keeping your skin healthy and radiant.
Benefits: Reverse sun damage.
To use: Combine a tbsp of the oil with rose water to make a face mist. Shake well and mist all over your face.