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3 Reasons to Film Your Fashion Commercial in Thailand

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If you have ever wanted to become an international sensation in the fashion industry, you have to be in a position to make an amazing commercial. Even if you don’t have millions of dollars to spend, you can have an awe inspiring commercial filmed and produced, if you know where to go. Get the professional models, film crew, and production staff you need to create the commercial of your dreams by going to Thailand. Here are three reasons you should chose Thailand as the set of your next fashion commercial.

1. Access to Beautiful Scenery

First of all, Thailand is absolutely breathtaking. There will be places like beautiful beaches and colorful forests for you to film a captivating fashion commercial. Alternatively, you can rent a villa or even shoot scenes inside of a modern hotel room. You can choose to shoot at a different location everysingle day for a week in order to create a commercial that truly runs the gamut. There is no shortage of beautiful scenery in Thailand, which is exactly what is needed to produce a great fashion commercial.

2. Doing More with a Smaller Budget

Plane tickets to Thailand can be a bit costly but nearly everything else is way more inexpensive than expected. With a fairly modest budget, you can get everything that you need, from props and cars to make-up artists and models. In addition, having a small budget won’t require you to live like a Spartan. In Thailand, you can eat at wonderful restaurants, pay for catering, and even get amazing acrobats to complete stunts. Whatever it was you planned to do stateside, you can accomplish it in Thailand for a fraction of your budget.

3. The Best Production Teams

Most of all, Thailand has countless professionals in the film and video industry who are available for hire. Whether you have your own cameras and lights or you need assistance with everything, a production service Thailand company can and will make your fashion commercial come to life. Production companies based in Thailand have the advantage of knowing the setting well. So, you won’t have to drive around finding the best location. They know which actors are top notch, what types of obstacles you might face, and will aid you in getting your project completed to your specifications. For anyone who needs an entire production crew to help them with the filming of their fashion commercial, Thailand is the ideal place to go.

In Thailand, you can film on the beach all year long. You can have exotic animals featured in your commercial, have ancient settings appear in the background, and highlight a culture that is one of the oldest on earth. You will get to have a once in a lifetime experience while also creating the commercial that is to mark a turning point in your career. So,get your fashion designs ready, book that airline ticket to Thailand and prepare to turn the fashion industry on its head. Your commercial is going to capture the attention of the entire globe.  

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