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3 Ways To Accessorize Like A Style Icon

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Portrait beautiful woman with jewelry

Everyone knows they need to accessorize, but that can be complicated for more than a few reasons. The sheer wealth of accessories to choose from, how they look with specific clothes, and similar factors all affect this.

Once you know how to accessorize like a style icon, this becomes much less complicated. Taking a few steps and following certain tips will help you get there. Three particular options will be relatively easy and shouldn’t take you much time.

You’ll look and feel as fashionable as you want once you’ve implemented them.

How To Accessorize Like A Style Icon: 3 Top Tips

1. Know When To Edit

When many people are trying to figure out how to accessorize like a style icon, they think it’s about adding more pieces to their outfit. While the logic behind this is understandable, it’s not always the best approach. Sometimes, it’s best to take a few things away.

There comes a point where you might have too many accessories on, so you’ll need to know when to edit. You should consider taking one or two pieces off so your accessories don’t overwhelm the outfit.

Minimalism can often be the best approach.

2. Have A Statement Piece

Speaking of minimalism, having a statement piece can be an effective way of going with the less-is-more approach. Statement pieces are accessories that draw in the eye without going overboard. They’re stylish pieces that you can add to almost any outfit.

While many people assume this needs to be large, it doesn’t have to be. Even something as simple as a number necklace can be effective for the right outfit. Having a few of these to choose from makes sure you have a statement piece for any outfit.

You can simply pick on and be ready to go.

3. Know What To Accent

Accessories are there to accent particular parts of your outfit to enhance them and make them look nicer. To get that, you’ll need to know what you should accent. Focusing on your best features with this is recommended, as it draws more attention to them.

If you’re curvy, for example, try getting a stylish belt that draws more attention to your waist. Alternatively, go with a headband or similar accessory if you’re trying to draw attention to your hair.

While it could take a little while to figure out how to do this perfectly, you’ll get there before you do it. Once you do, it’ll end up becoming second nature.

How To Accessorize Like A Style Icon: Wrapping Up

Everyone wants to know how to accessorize like a style icon, but they often think that a lot of time and effort goes into this. It doesn’t have to, however. By knowing what to accent, when to edit, and having a statement piece, you make this much easier.

With some time and effort, you’ll be pulling this off with ease. You’ll be a style icon in no time, and you could even end up making your friends and family jealous with how good you look. What’s stopping you?

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