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It’s fair to assume that when we invest in skincare, we want to see results. We expect that every product we buy will deliver and that, finally, our skin will be transformed into a vision of youth, health, and vibrancy.


However, despite the huge number of products on the market, many of us still find ourselves facing issues with our skin. While this can be disappointing, it is important to remember four basic skincare facts that are all too easy to forget…


Good skincare starts internally



Given the way some skincare products are marketed, it’s tempting to think that products alone can transform your skin. This, however, is simply not the case. Topical products are an important part of your skincare regime, but they’re not the only part. Good skincare ultimately begins internally, so give your products the best possible chance of success by ensuring you drink plenty of water and making the occasional skin-boosting smoothie.


Research is vital


When it comes to developing your own skincare regime, it’s important to take the time to research the products you’re going to be using. If you just buy what looks good on the shelf, then the chances of finding the right product for your needs are slim. Ultimately, it’s hugely beneficial to read skincare reviews from dedicated sites such as Birth Order Plus and research ingredients prior to making a purchase. Without research, skincare is essentially guesswork, and is therefore unlikely to deliver the results you’re hoping for.


New skincare products don’t work immediately


New skincare products offer such promise, and it’s tempting to believe anything new you buy will be able to transform your skin in a matter of days. When a few days of use don’t produce the expected results, it’s tempting to just outright dismiss the product and say it doesn’t work.


However, it’s important to remember that skincare products tend to need at least one month to show any results at all. Your skin has its own regenerative cycle, so you need to continue using a product through this regenerating process to see if any difference has actually been made. If you reach the one-month mark and still can’t see any visible signs of improvement, then you may want to consider writing the product off once and for all.


Natural does not necessarily mean safe



Finally, if you like to experiment with natural skincare treatments, it’s important to remember that natural does not mean safe. For example, if you use lemon juice — which is often recommended for acne — as part of your skincare regime, your skin will be more photosensitive as a result. Just because a product is ‘natural’ doesn’t mean it can’t harm you or have unintended consequences, so always do your research prior to applying anything to your sensitive facial skin.


In conclusion


By keeping the above in mind you can ensure that your approach to skincare is reinforced by facts. This should allow you to tailor your skincare regime to your own specific needs and finally be able to choose and use the products that can deliver the results you want. Enjoy!

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