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6 Healthy Ways To Spend The Evening After A Stressful Day

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A stressful day can lead to all kinds of chaos. Whether you’ve had a tough day at work or a tough day looking after your kids, it’s all too easy to hit the vino and drink until you forget in the evening, smoke because you’re stressed, or even just veg out in front of the TV. However, doing these things will make us feel worse more often than not.


Instead, focus on doing something healthy after you’ve had a stressful day. It’ll probably be the last thing you feel like doing, but if you can force yourself to do it, you’ll feel so much better and do wonders for your health! You won’t come to rely on any nasty habits to make you feel better, either.


Here are 6 healthy ways to spend the evening after a stressful day:


  1. Adult Coloring

If you haven’t tried adult coloring yet, you’re missing out! It might seem strange, but coloring in can be very therapeutic, and can help you to feel so much better in a short space of time. You can buy an adult coloring book to do it, or you can find pages to print out online. Some people liken this practice to meditation!


  1. Do Some Exercise

You don’t have to go and do a hardcore workout, if that’s not your thing. Some gentle yoga or even a walk can help you to clear your head and feel better about everything.


  1. Speak To Somebody You Love

If you’re having a really bad time, confide in somebody you love. Tell your partner, or call a friend. Some people tend to keep their feelings bottled up inside of them, but doing this can be dangerous as they’ll all come out at once sooner or later.


  1. Take Your Time To Prepare A Healthy Meal

If you’ve been stressed, the temptation is always going to be there to shove a pizza in the oven and be done with it. Some people even handle stress by not eating much at all. Why not prepare yourself a healthy, hearty meal instead of filling your body with rubbish or starving it? If you enjoy cooking, this will be a lot of fun. You could make a grilled vegetable pasta dish, a huge salad with all of the trimmings, or you could even make yourself a healthy version of an unhealthy food.


  1. Enjoy A Cup Of Tea And A Good Book

Tea has plenty of benefits, depending on the kind you choose. Caffeine free tea is great following a stressful day, as it won’t send your body into overdrive and can help to prepare you for bed. Drinking tea and sober living is a lot more relaxing than anything else. Enjoy a good book with your tea and you’ll relax more than if you were to watch TV!


  1. A Hot Bath And A Pamper Session

A hot bath can help to relax aching muscles and tension, as well as prepare the body for sleep. Apply a face/foot mask if you like and treat yourself.

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