Could your sex life be a little better? If so, this post is for you. In it, we detail some of the things that you can do to improve it so that you can feel like you’re getting the most out of life – and your partner.
Start With Diet
Healthy people have great sex because their bodies are able to deliver a steady supply of blood to where it matters. Clog-free arteries allow intimate areas to function as they should, leading to more arousal and, all else held equal, more pleasure.
The best way to unclog arteries and get everything working as it should is to eat right. People who center their diets around fruits and vegetables have healthier cardiovascular systems, improving blood supply.
Have A Chat With Your Partner
When it comes to sexual relationships, it’s important to be able to freely chat to your partner about your preferences, desires, fantasies, and so on. If you can’t tell them what you like – and what you don’t – then you’ll run into trouble.
Being bashful in sexual matters can be attractive in some situations, but it leaves you high and dry. You can’t talk about what it is that you really want.

Schedule It
With people living such busy lives, sex often gets put on the backburner. People often just don’t have time for it. They’re so busy getting on with their lives that it just gets forgotten.
To put an end to this, schedule sex just like you schedule date night or going to church on a Sunday morning. Make it a regular part of the week.
Lube Up
Adding a water based lubricant to your sex life might be one of the best decisions that you ever make. If lubrication is in short supply, it can make intercourse considerably more enjoyable. Remember, it’s safe to use water-based lubes with condoms.
Relax A Bit More
When you’re stressed out of your mind, are you thinking about sex? Not usually. That’s because sex is actually a part of the “rest and digest” phase that our bodies go through. We’re much more likely to engage with it when we feel relaxed.
Spend some time in the evenings chilling out with your partner. Have a massage, watch a film, and try to have a bit of fun so that you forget about the troubles of the day. You’ll notice that once you chill out a bit more, you’re much more in the mood.
Do More Kegels
Kegel exercises not only support your bladder but can also be helpful for relaxing the vagina and making sex more comfortable. What’s more, kegels aren’t just for women. Men who practice them tend to have more erections and better orgasms.
Take Off Somewhere For The Weekend
A change of scenery can rev up your sex life like nothing else. Getting away to an Airbnb for the weekend can totally change how you feel and really get you in the mood for love. Just find somewhere totally secluded where you can be entirely by yourself.