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Taking The Guilt Out Of Putting Yourself First

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Top view of beautiful woman in the bathtub. Self care concept.

Taking some time for yourself is never a bad thing. Indeed, saying ‘no’ every now and then is absolutely good for you! And even when you’ve got a lot of responsibilities on your plate, you’re allowed to put yourself first and take a step back from what others expect of you. And there shouldn’t be any guilt that stops you from doing so, despite how powerful an emotion it can be. 

But that’s why it’s important to talk about guilt and how it affects the way we take care of ourselves! We deserve to have time to ourselves without it being overshadowed by such a pervasive feeling, and with the points below, we hope to help you eliminate it from your me time sessions as well. 

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Remember, Those Who Love You Don’t Want to Push You

Anyone who really loves you wants you to put yourself first from time to time. They respect you as a person, rather than just as someone who can do things for them. As such, they want you to have boundaries and look after yourself, and won’t ever lash out at you for cancelling or rearranging plans. They’ll never start up an argument when you withdraw or say ‘no’ to them, and they’ll take things in good stride. 

And most of all, they’ll be able to respond in the same way to you. The relationship you have with them will be positive, with very few red flags to spot along the way. Of course we all have bad days, but the people who really love you will give you space when you need it. You won’t ever have the guilt piled on when they’re around! 

You Can Lean on Those More Qualified

Not every challenge that comes your way is one you’re going to be able to overcome, and you shouldn’t push yourself to extremes trying to prove you’re capable either. So when you’ve got a jam packed schedule that leaves only a handful of minutes free, remember that there are people out there that can help. 

For example, if you’ve got care responsibilities on your hands, it might be an idea to work with a nursing home advisor to find a suitable placement that’ll help take care of your relative. You just don’t have to manage everything at once, and when you make proper arrangements to take care of those you love, you can be guilt free about the decision. 

You Also Don’t Need to Explain!

Finally, make sure you’re never overjustifying yourself. If you need to take some time for yourself, you don’t need to explain every single little detail. You’re not here to elicit sympathy, you just want the respect you deserve as a person, and when we learn to simply say ‘I’m unavailable’, we soon forget just how guilty we used to feel in the past. 

If you need to put yourself first, don’t let yourself dwell on the bad feelings. You’re allowed to work on yourself! 

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