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How To Make Sure Your Job Offers Perks Not Perils

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If you struggle with a work-related illness, or you’ve been injured at work before, you’re not alone. Although there are rules and regulations in place to protect employees, accidents happen and working can increase the risk of certain illnesses and ailments. If you’re on a mission to stay fit and healthy, here are some tips to ensure your job offers perks and not perils.

Be more active

Many of us have sedentary jobs, which means that we spend hours at a time sitting in front of a screen. To combat the negative effects of inactivity, try and be more active. Take regular breaks, go for a stroll in your lunch break, and stretch at your desk. Keep your legs moving, don’t cross them, and use the stairs instead of the elevator or escalator. If you live close to your workplace, you could also consider swapping driving or catching public transport for cycling, walking or jogging to work. If you’re worried about not being active enough, you might benefit from wearing an activity tracker. This will motivate you to move more.

Pay attention to health and safety

It doesn’t matter whether you work in an office, a cafe, a hospital, or a building site, there are always risks. Some jobs are more dangerous than others, but don’t assume that you’re immune to injury just because you’re based in an office. Health and safety aren’t the most riveting of conversation pieces, but it is important. If you have an accident at work, and it occurs because you haven’t followed health and safety regulations, you won’t be able to make a claim. In contrast, if you follow procedure, and the accident arises due to negligence on behalf of your employer, you would have a viable case. You can get more information about workers’ compensation online. When you’re at work; read safety notices, look out for warning signs, and make sure you use any protective equipment such as latex or nitrile gloves (which are available from retailers such as Unigloves) that are provided for you.

Correct your posture

Did you know that around 31 million Americans suffer from back pain? One of the most common causes of chronic pain is poor posture. If you have a desk job, you spend long periods of time sitting down, or your job involves lifting, it’s vital to protect your spine as best you can. When you’re sitting down, straighten your spine, put your shoulders back, and relax. If you’re typing, you should be able to reach the keyboard without stretching. If you’re standing, your spine should be straight. If you’re a dentist or a hairdresser, for example, it’s a good idea to adjust the height of the chair so that you don’t have to slouch or crane your neck. When lifting, bend your knees, keep your back straight and use the power in your leg muscle.

When you’re at work, your health may not be a concern, but what happens when you wake up with back pain, you can’t sleep due to stress, or you find yourself sidelined with injuries after an accident? Hopefully, these tips will help you steer clear of danger and avoid ailments.

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