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The Rules of Showing Off Your Man On Social Media

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No matter if you are just about to get married or just met, you might want to show off your new other half on social media and in your inner circles, too. When you are catching up with your old friends and take him as Plus One, you have an easier job, However, if you are planning on posting photos of you and him on Instagram or Facebook, there are some rules you should follow to avoid relationship issues and falling out. Below you will find a few tips on how to play by the rules.


Ask for Permission

It is important that you ask for their permission before you take any photos. Men are usually self-conscious, and you should not start posting photos of them all over the place, especially if you are at an early stage of your relationship. You might not want to look like you are switching partners every couple of years, posting a photo of a new guy all the time.

Get Them a Matching Outfit

If you want to show off the harmony between the two of you, make the most out of your new man’s looks. You might want to go shopping together and check out the latest John Henric US collection so he can look his best when you are taking photos. You will still have to get the couples’ collection approved, and avoid photos they don’t like or they will avoid your camera in the future.

Only Tag Them If They Let You


There is an etiquette of tagging people on social media, and you should learn it before you plan to post photos of your new man. If they haven’t yet introduced you to their family members or friends, it would come as a shock for many of them, and you don’t want to make a bad impression. If your new boyfriend doesn’t want to be tagged, you simply have to avoid it. After all, you don’t want to look too pushy or keen in the first few weeks of your relationship.

Privacy Settings

It might also be a good idea to check your privacy settings, and never post photos of other people as public. Some people will do this to wind up their ex partners, but they achieve the opposite results. You might be subject to nasty comments or jealousy, so you have to ask yourself first how other people would react to the photo.

Make the Most Out of Your Looks

There are so many difficulties you will come across when trying to date in the social media era. People will judge you based on who you are with, how often you switch partners, or even how you look on your photos. Make sure that you are happy with the images and your audience will be, as well. You don’t want to look back in a couple of years’ time thinking how big a mistake you made.


Posting photos of your new partner should be done carefully. You don’t want to upset them, their family, or friends. Respect their privacy and they will appreciate your courtesy.


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