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10 Incredible Things To Do In Indonesia

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From dragons to volcanoes, Indonesia has it all. Here are just some of the diverse attractions that make this tropical island country worth visiting.


Party on the beaches of Bali


Bali is probably Indonesia’s most famous tourist destination largely for its golden beaches and nightlife. The trendy Kuta beach attracts many young backpackers and spring breakers from around the world – here you’ll find plenty of cool bars and restaurants. It’s also not uncommon for festivals and events to be held on the beach. Of course, Bali does have its cultural attractions too such as rice field tours and the opportunity to see a live fire dance. There are also a number of stunning temples, many of which have become popularised through the likes of Instagram.   


See a Komodo dragon


Indonesia’s island of Komodo is the only place in the world where you can see the legendary Komodo dragon in the wild. There are many organised tours that can allow you the chance to see this mighty carnivorous reptile (making your own route there isn’t advised due to how dangerous these lizards can be). Many of these tours leave from Bali, which is very close to Komodo.


Go scuba diving in the reefs


For a chance to see exotic marine wildlife, it’s also worth heading to Indonesia. Its tropical reefs are home to sea turtles, manta rays, sharks and all manner of other aquatic life. This has resulted in Indonesia gaining a reputation as the scuba diving capital of the world. Experienced divers should look into trip from Tulamben – from here you can explore the nearby shipwreck of the USS Liberty. If you’ve never dived before, there are plenty of scuba diving schools across Indonesia to try it out. Alternatively, you can always take a snorkel trip.


Spot orang-utans in Borneo


Indonesia is also home to the endangered Bornean orang-utan. This great ape inhabits the island of Borneo where it can be found swinging amongst the trees. Guided tours can help to maximise your chances of seeing this animal in the wild. If you’re not lucky enough to see an orang-utan in the trees, you can always visit one of the sanctuaries in the area where orphans and injured apes are nursed and looked after. You can even volunteer at one of these sanctuaries – more information can be found here:


Climb one of Java’s many volcanoes


The island of Java is home to some of Indonesia’s most famous volcanoes. Mount Bromo is one of the most popular volcanoes to climb and is probably the most scenic. Many tourists flock to this volcano at sunrise due to the beautiful orange glow that is cast over the landscape. Meanwhile, the huge Mount Semeru is also worth visiting – this is Indonesia’s largest mountain and one of its most active volcanoes. It’s possible to go camping nearby and wake up to this mighty mountain. Then of course there’s the notorious Krakatoa located off the coast of Java near Lampung. When this volcano erupted in 1883, it was the largest recorded eruption in the world and could be heard all around the globe. There are tours that can allow you to visit this volcano available from Jakarta.


Explore the rainforests


Much of Indonesia is covered in vast green rainforest. There are tours that can allow you to explore this tropical woodland where you’ll come across various exotic wildlife and natural wonders such as waterfalls and winding rivers. There are even spas located in the rainforest that could provide the ultimate setting for a relaxing trip abroad.


Visit Borobodur, the largest Buddhist temple in the world


There’s no shortage of temples to explore in Indonesia, but none are quite as impressive as the gargantuan Borobodur complex. This Buddhist temple was built in the 9th Century and has become a popular site for pilgrimages. It remains the largest Buddhist temple in the world, containing over 500 Buddhist statues and thousands of decorated panels. It’s worth booking a guided tour of this temple so that you can get to grips with the history.


Explore the buzzing cities


There are a number of buzzing cities across Indonesia including Jakarta, Bandung and Yogyakarta. These can be great places for experiencing the true culture of Indonesia. You can learn about the history in the museums, go shopping in the markets and get photographed next to the various monuments. There are many hotels and hostels to choose from. You can even looking into buying a holiday home at sites like The best way to get around many of the cities is by tuk tuk. You can also consider hiring a bike and cycling as many of the locals do – but be wary as many of the Indonesia’s urban roads can be a little chaotic.


Enjoy the local cuisine


Indonesian cuisine is a mix of various flavours. Some of its most iconic dishes include beef Rendang, Satay skewers and fried rice. Cities such as Bandung and tourist hotspots such as Bali has a range of high class restaurants to choose from if you’re looking for fine dining. Meanwhile, those on a budget can live off the country’s tasty street food available from various markets and street vendors.


Meet great people


The Indonesian people are very helpful and friendly – you’re certain to meet many fascinating characters whilst exploring the country. Indonesia is also a great place to meet fellow travellers from around the world – if you’re thinking of travelling somewhere solo, Indonesia is a great option as there are many backpackers and its relatively safe compared to a lot of other countries.


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