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When it comes to romantic getaways, a lot of us can probably think of better options than camping. Why choose a field when you could jet off to a spa? While this is a fair argument, though, camping has romantic benefits top hotels don’t. Take, for instance, the remote setting. It’ll be just you, your man, and the stars. You won’t even be able to distract yourselves on your phones. You’ll have nothing else to do but sit around the campfire and talk. It doesn’t sound so bad when you think about it that way, does it?

Despite its romantic benefits, camping does have downsides when it comes to impressing your lover. Namely, it can wreak havoc with appearance. After all, there won’t be any ready to use hair dryers on your camping pitch. There won’t even be a mirror by which to perfect your appearance. But, don’t panic. Losing out on beauty essentials doesn’t mean you have to look a fright. All you need to do is consider the following to keep yourself looking fantastic throughout.

Book somewhere with facilities

Campsites come in all shapes and sizes. The ones at the lower end of your budget will likely offer nothing more than a pitch. It can be tricky to keep your romantic allure when you have to head off to the woods to do your dos. But, you can overcome this by making sure you book a campsite with decent facilities. There are plenty of options which include restrooms. While you will pay more for this, it’ll still be a drop in the ocean compared to the cost of a hotel. And, you’ll be free to wash and toilet in private as much as your little heart desires.

Protect yourself from the elements


The weather can also leave you looking a little wild if you aren’t careful. While your tent can protect you from most things, you also want to think about the evenings when you’ll sit out in the open. Wind and rain could soon see you looking like a drowned rat rather than a glowing Goddess. To make sure it doesn’t happen, look into awnings like the ones found on this website, or consider taking a gazebo with you. That way, mother nature won’t be able to do her worst on you every night.

Don’t be afraid to go natural


You won’t be able to keep up with your usual beauty routine while away. Trying to do your makeup in a handheld mirror could leave you looking like a clown if you aren’t careful. Besides, we’ve already mentioned the lack of hair preening facilities. But, these don’t have to be a downside. Instead, embrace the natural look by doing away with everything but basic makeup, and opting for hair updos. While you may still want to pamper your skin to keep it looking healthy, you’ll find this natural side could work to attract your partner more. Every guy loves the idea of a G.I. Jane, doesn’t he?

New to Camping? Check out The Ultimate Beginner’s Guide to Camping by our friends at Hobby Help!

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