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Discover Your ‘Inner Shakira’ in South America

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Shakira’s so inspiring, isn’t she?

Beautiful, intelligent, ambitious and talented…

And when you think about where she comes from, it’s hardly surprising. Because South America is such a fabulous place.

She’s in great company too – because some amazing women have been born here -from bestselling authors to amazing artists. So, if you’re looking for a really motivational travel experience – this should be the first location you look at.

What are the most inspirational experiences?

Well, we’ve only got a short space here – but there are so many great travel opportunities in South America.

Visit Ecuador and Galapagos

The Galapagos Islands are a really exotic locale – you’ll discover a whole range of fascinating wildlife and vistas. And their moonlike landscapes, interspersed with rugged vegetation create a truly memorable, ethereal atmosphere.  This beautiful place will both relax and inspire you – and remind you why Darwin’s theories evolved here.

On the Ecuadorian mainland, you’ll be nothing short of awe inspired by the rainforest – and the wondrous baroque churches in Quito.  You can walk in the footsteps of Spanish conquistadors and Incan warriors here. Which is truly an experience not to be missed.

Mexico City

Returning to our theme of inspiring women, why not visit the hometown of Frida Kahlo – Mexico City?  Now we know it’s strictly a North American country – but it’s over the border and culturally intriguing.  It has, arguably, the best cuisine in the world and if you’re visiting the region it’s really quite fascinating.


You could even visit the birthplace of Shakira herself – Colombia.  With its soaring Andean summits, unspoiled Caribbean coast, and enigmatic Amazon jungle.  The street art in Bogota is exceptional too – and inspiring. And the Sierra Nevada mountain range is out of this world.

Where can you stay?

There are lots of interesting places to stay in South America – from historic haciendas to mountain lodges. And if you’re backpacking or travelling on a budget you’ll find lots of opportunities – including camping.  

Follow sensible safety advice

You do need to follow sensible safety advice when travelling here – but as long as you do so you’ll have a great time. One way to be sure of your personal safety and make the most of your trip is to join an organized tour. 

So give that option some serious thought…


Joining an organized tour in South America

We understand, if you’re adventurous, you might want to travel independently – but organized tours have much to recommend them.  You can travel with awesome, like minded people – and it’s a fantastic option if it’s your first trip to the region.

It’s also a great way to be sure you make the most of your journey – without the effort that goes into planning your own trip. 

So it’s a sensible choice for first time travellers on this continent – why not check out what’s available if we’ve tempted you here? And just like Shakira said – ‘Whenever, Wherever’ you travel in South America – you’re sure of an experience you’ll never forget. 

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