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With wedding season just around the corner, it seems now would be a good time to touch on beautifying yourself for your big day, or a big day of someone close to you for that matter, as we all want to look good for such events.

Now, of course, there are certain things you’ll need to do well in advance, for example, if you want to drop a dress size in order to squeeze into your perfect dress this is something you might need a couple of months for rather than a mad dash crash diet as you hurtle toward your wedding.

The other thing to remember, of course, is the reason you’re getting married in the first place, as soon to be brides often go through the phase of feeling they need to do something drastic to improve their appearance, whether that’s searching for a breast implant video or looking at thinspiration on pinterest.  However, your wedding day is way more than how you look – it’s how you feel and the day should be a feeling of celebration rather than hypervigilance in terms of your appearance.

With that said, let’s now take a look at a few beauty tips that will ensure you are as dazzling as your wedding ring.


Your hair is such a prominent feature and it’s important it looks well-nourished and taken care of.  It’s a good idea to nurture your hair a few days prior to the event and nourish it by covering your hair with coconut oil and wrapping it in a plastic bag overnight.

You might want to do this at the weekend, however, as the next day your hair is likely to appear a little greasy.


Start exfoliating your skin weekly and have a good facial routine in place to hydrate your skin, at least six weeks ahead of your big day.  It’s advisable to treat your skin to a natural face mask a few days before the event but not the night before, as this can lead to visible outbreaks.  The biggest tip, with regard to ensuring radiant skin on your big day, is to make sure you keep yourself hydrated on the day itself and the entire week before.


If you’re getting your nails done professionally try to ensure you’re not doing this in a rush; and if you’re doing them yourself, make sure you have tested out your perfect shade… as there’s nothing worse than painting your nails to find the color doesn’t compliment the beautiful outfit you’ve chosen.


The key point throughout these tips is to make sure you do things in plenty of time, as you don’t want to be rushing around in a mad dash the night before your wedding.  On that note, you want to make sure you get at least eight hours of sleep the night before the big day so you look fresh, bright and vibrant for a day where all eyes will be on you.

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