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Medical specialist working on laptop at office

If you have been in the medical field for a while, you might decide that rather than work for someone else – you want to have your own practice. 

The decision to launch your own practice is a huge moment, but there is a lot of work that needs to go into it. 

Photo by jesse orrico on Unsplash

Advisory and Business Issues

Before you start making decisions, you should find an attorney you trust and have them on retainer – this will ensure that you have the correct legal structure for your business. Not only that, but you will always be on the right side of the law and regulations. 

Opt for an attorney who has experience in the medical field. 

You’d also be wise to find an accountant or accountancy firm that has extensive medical experience. 

A long-term relationship with both of these professionals is going to benefit you. 


Unless people require specialist medical attention that they must travel to find, around 60% of patients consider location essential to the choosing of their medical practice. 

The space you choose within the location should be large enough to incorporate everything you need – like reception space, waiting room, emergency space, consultation rooms, medication and supply storage, toilets for patients and staff, and cleaning supplies cupboard. 

It should also adhere to all the relevant standards and codes. 

Software, Vendor Selection, and Equipment

Ahead of your space being ready, you’ll need to source equipment, software, and services. As a minimum, you’ll need practice management software, and there are different tiers to cover different needs. This software makes the daily work processes easier for all of your staff. 

Choose furniture that is comfortable and ergonomic – ideally, you want to have your staff comfortable for the length of their shirt. Patients will have different needs, so ensure that you have a range of supportive seating and space for wheelchairs. 

Your budget will determine the quality of the specialized equipment you need; however, for many start-ups, it is more practical to buy things like used ultrasound machines, PET, or MRI – depending on your practice’s purpose. 


The staff will dictate if your practice is going to be successful; in the end, how they treat their patients and their qualifications will be how people decide to join your practice or not. 

Bad hiring decisions can be detrimental to the entire staff and all of the patients, so select your office managers, reception staff, cleaners, and medical staff with care. 

Make use of the millions of medical VAs, website managers, IT staff, and more who are available online. Remote workers can be more cost-effective and better for the efficiency of the office. 

Ahead of the real opening day, have a few days or even a week where the typical rota is in operation. Go through administrative tasks, check rotas and parking spaces and allow staff to get to know each other. This week can help to highlight any issues and get all the kinks worked out. 

A medical business, while the requirements are stricter, is much the same as any other business: Inescapable Factors You Need to Run the Best Possible Business

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