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The winter is gone and in its wake, we get to enjoy the lighter mornings, warmer days and lots of life in our outdoor spaces. F life is becoming a little stressful for you right now, the best thing you can do for yourself is de-stress in the sun or out in nature.

The beauty of nature is that it is easy to get to, super relaxing and allows you to take a breather from regular life and give yourself some time away from stress. If you are looking for a way to reduce your stress this month, this is why you should get outside and enjoy the sunshine.


The Sun

Some of you may have already heard of the term SAD. In the winter time, many people suffer from a condition called seasonal affective disorder. This basically means that we tend to be more depressed and upset during the winter and when it is cold. If you feel like you hate being stuck indoors or you hate when it rains: you may need a dose of sunshine to help you feel happier and healthier. This weekend take some time to get out in the garden and soak up some rays!


Relaxing Activities


One of the great things about warmer weather and sunnier days is the fact that we feel more motivated to get up and go. If you want to have some fun with relaxing activities this spring there are plenty of great ones to do which will take your mind off stress and give your body some energy too. There are even retreat like the Bodhi Del Mar Surf & Yoga which allow you to learn new activities and have some fun with being outside.


Less Technology


Technology is a great thing which we are all lucky enough to have access to on a daily basis. However, the readiness of technology at our fingertips can be a burden too because it makes us check our emails on our day off or so work when we shouldn’t be doing it. Getting as far away from technology as you can actually be the best thing for your mind and your soul. Take the opportunity to get away from your phone and laptop this weekend and go for a hike somewhere instead.




The best thing about the great outdoors is the fact that the possibilities are endless for adventure and fun. If you feel as if you are stuck in a rut with your life and need to get out and try something different: getting out into the countryside and exploring somewhere new is the best thing you can do for yourself. It will not only awaken your senses and make your excitable: but it will also allow you to try new things and discover who you really are. You could go out one day and swim in the sea, and discover that it is your new favorite thing to do!

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