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Embrace The Alfresco Lifestyle With Your Home Design

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Are you ready for the alfresco lifestyle in your home? Simply put, this means living outdoors and redesigning or remodeling your home to meet this trend. Here are a few things you need to know about this home decor fashion choice. First, it’s very popular, and there are a lot of buyers on the market right now who are eager to find properties that have embraced this idea with the design. So, if you are looking for options on how to change and fresh up you’re home, this could be the number one choice you need to consider. It’s obviously particularly suited for homes in hot and humid climates, but don’t assume this won’t be the choice for you if you live in a colder region. It still could be because there are ways to embrace this type of design and style regardless of where your home resides. Let’s look at some of the best and brightest possibilities here and bring this trend to your property right now.


Outdoor Food Preparation Area



Simply put, you should consider building a complete outdoor kitchen area in your home or garden. Why is this so popular? Well when you think about it, this does make a lot of sense. Home buyers love the kitchen and making changes to this area of the property can increase the value of a home by upwards of twenty percent. As such, it’s not that difficult to believe that buyers want another area like this in their property. Of course, buyers are also looking for ways that they can enjoy their garden a little more and get the most out of it. Combine these two choices, and you arrive, somewhat naturally at outdoor kitchen designs.


You might think we’re talking about a barbecue area and you could go down this route. It’s certainly one of the attractive features for homebuyers, whether you opt for a modern barbecue design or something more rustic and rugged. But it’s really just one of the possibilities. Instead, we’re talking about building a full kitchen with an oven, hob and food preparation areas. Do this, and you are guaranteed to impress with your new property design.


This isn’t a change to your home that you can accomplish through DIY. It’s just a tad too complicated for this kind of work. Instead, you need to make sure that you are hiring a professional to handle it because it will require a range of different setups including electric lines. It’s quite expensive too costing a few thousand at least. But it will look stunning, and it’s a fantastic opportunity, because there are some choices that won’t fit in a typical kitchen that work well here. Do you love the idea of having a stone pizza oven in your home? Well, you can build one as part of this type of design!


You can choose to set it up near the home or at the other end of your garden. It’s entirely up to you but one thing you will need, regardless of climate is a shelter.


Adding A Shelter For Your Outdoor Space


A shelter will be necessary whether you are building an outdoor kitchen or really any entertainment area. This is particularly true if you want to completely embrace the alfresco lifestyle because that means, you’re not just thinking about using your garden in the summer months. No, you think about using it all year around and with the right shelter, you can. Once again, a shelter can either be built to connect to your home or be a completely separate, freestanding part of your garden. It really just depends on what you are hoping to achieve and what type of design appeals to you. For instance, you might be thinking about building up an area that you can retreat to away from the main property. If that’s the case a four pillared, freestanding shelter is obviously the right choice.


The good news is that you can get all different types and styles of shelters. You can have them completely open except for the roof which really is a dazzling possibility. It will give you panoramic views of your garden or the entire property around your home. Imagine staring out through a completely unobstructed view and watching the little raindrops dancing off the water in your pool. There’s nothing quite like this and it’s one of the advantages of alfresco living. You can truly appreciate the outdoors even when you are under a shelter.


Add windows or slants to your roof design and consider different shapes for your shelter too. You can think about making sure it fits in with the rest of the home design with a gabled roof, or guarantee that it stands out with a curved or flat roof. The choice is yours, and you should speak to a designer about the different possibilities that are available to you here.


Entertainment Options


Of course, when you have added a shelter to your garden, you can think about what’s going to go underneath it. One possibility would be to build a pool. You can build a grand, long pool in your garden with half outside the shelter and half underneath it. This means that you will still be able to enjoy the water even on overcast days. A brand new pool build can cost at least ten thousand, but it’s a highly sought after feature, so you will definitely make this back when you eventually sell the property after making changes like this.


Alternatively, you could just create a stunning new seating area underneath the shelter, ideal for enjoying drinks and evening meals with friends. If you are doing this, think about adding an elevated deck to your outdoor design. An elevated deck will section your garden and make sure that this feels like a completely separate, unique area of your home. Once again, you can choose between different design choices here that are certain to look absolutely incredible as part of your property. From pine to stone or even marble, it all depends on your budget. Do remember though, there are aesthetic materials that mimic the style of cheaper designs that you can consider if your budget is a little tight.


When you have chosen the material for the surface of your outdoor entertaining area, it’s time to think about what type of furniture you want. Don’t opt for the typical garden furniture if you are building up a sheltered space. You can have fun with some more luxurious, exciting choices. Even if your Overall design is fairly minimal, consider brightening and boosting it with some modern, magnificent colorful furniture with neon shades being a great choice. This can make the area look vibrant, and the clash in styles can be phenomenal.


Remember, the idea is to create the ultimate space that is as stylish as it is comfortable. This means that you should consider adding heating and cooling options so that it’s suitable for every season. Make sure you invest in heating as part of the design whereas, for cooling, this can be another chance at a great style opportunity. Consider adding four fans to the ceiling that will look industrial and awesome as part of a modern outdoor space design, while ensuring your guests stay cool in the shade.


Do take advantage of the fact that an outdoor space can provide options that are simply not available to you when you create an indoor area for your home. What we’re talking about here are unique features that only work outdoors like large fire attractions. You can have a roaring, 360-degree fire in the center of your seating area which means that you’ll be able to use this space in the middle of the winter season at night to a dazzling degree. Don’t miss out on the potential here that you have to be bold, be daring and completely alter your home style.


Light It Up


Do make sure that you are adding lighting to your garden. If you have a pool or in the process of designing one, you can add underwater lights that will make it look phenomenal and ensure that it is the perfect place for a dip after the sun begins to set. You can also add lights around your yard, ensuring that you invest in LEDs. LEDs will allow you to leave your lights on through the night because they use so little energy. Although, you may want to opt for a lower setting, so you don’t annoy the neighbors. Luckily, you can get these types of lights with dimmer options, and you can easily make sure that they can be controlled from the palm of your hand using your mobile phone.


Decorate the inside of your new sheltered space with the right lighting as well. Opt for warmer shades of lighting in this area to create a cozy or even a soothing atmosphere that will make your guests feel at home.


We hope you love investing in and embracing the alfresco lifestyle in your home. 

If you are looking for the complete home remodel, check out for a contractor that has everything necessary to deliver your dream home.


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