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Beautiful Caucasian lady performing an exfoliation procedure

Exfoliating the skin is a great way to bring radiance back to the face. Let’s explore specific exfoliation routines that work best on different skin types. 

Oily Skin Exfoliation- Every Day

  • Oily skin is mostly characterized by shiny areas, visible pores and some waxiness in texture.
  • Exfoliating every day can help remove some of the waxiness and open clogged pores.
  • Exfoliate your face in the morning and at night before bed for a period of time to see optimal results!

Dry Skin Exfoliation- 1-2 Times A Week

  • Patchy areas, dry flakes and uneven texture are signature traits of dry skin. 
  • Exfoliating the skin is the perfect way to clear away dead skin cells and create an even texture. 
  • The key is to exfoliate 1 – 2 times a week, so as to not irritate the face or increase the natural dryness. 
Young smiling woman applying coffee scrub mask on face

Combination Skin Exfoliation – 2-3 Times A Week

  • Just as the name suggests, combination skin has traits of both oily and dry skin. 
  • Clogged pores, waxy and dry areas, and patchiness may be seen in combination skin types.
  • Exfoliating 2-3 times a week can help alleviate oily areas of the face and get rid of dry flakes.
Exfoliation Routine For Skin Types

Sensitive Skin Eexfoliation – 1-2 Times A Week

  • As sensitive skin is known to break out and flare up easily, it’s important to not over-exfoliate it.
  • The best way to avoid skin irritation or extra sensitivity is to exfoliate only 1-2 times a week. 
  • This exfoliation routine will rejuvenate the face and help avoid any unnecessary irritation

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