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Get Your Home In Shape For Winter Before Its Too Late

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Even though you might still be enjoying the remaining few weeks of summer, it’s now a good time to think ahead and consider how you can improve your home to ensure it keeps you nice and snug throughout the coming colder months. This is especially important if you live in an old property that might not be as well heated or insulated as some newer homes. In fact, you could have quite a bit of home maintenance on your hands to help you make sure your property is all ready for the colder weather that could be on its way.


So, are you all set to improve your home so that it can keep you nice and cozy this winter? Here are a few great ways you get your home in shape for winter before it is too late.


Get Your Heating System Serviced


First of all, it is necessary to get your heating system serviced. This then gives you an idea of whether any work needs to be carried out on it to improve how it works. Generally speaking, old boilers and heating systems will start to work slightly inefficiently after about a decade of use, so it’s important that you get yours serviced every year if you know it is that old. Many heating specialists will be able to come out to give your system a quick once over. They’ll then be able to tell you if any essential improvements or work need to be carried out, or whether you would be better off replacing it completely.


Check The House’s Insulation


Next, it’s time to move onto the property’s insulation, especially that which is up in the roof. Over time, insulation can become quite ineffective, so it will need replacing. If you can’t remember the last time you checked the insulation in your own home, it’s probably time to replaces patches of it now. Thankfully, there are many insulation specialists like #1 Roofers of Westchester County NY & Yonkers, who you will be able to hire to do this for you. It’s not just the roof that needs some top-quality insulation, though, and you will also need to make sure your doors and windows aren’t letting in any drafts or cold air from outside.




Consider Waterproofing Problem Areas


As well as getting a professional to check your heating and insulation, it’s also worth getting in touch with Restoration Eze to come and take care of waterproofing for you. During the winter months, the risk of rain will be quite high. If you live in a particularly wet region, you might have to endure long periods of excessive rainfall, which could end up causing water damage on your property. Problem areas include basements, as there could be quite a lot of pools of water sitting above floor level in this room. As a result, they could seep through the walls and end up flooding the room. So, it’s worth getting your basement waterproofed as well as any other problem areas that you know about.



Install A Carbon Monoxide Alarm


Once the winter rolls around, you will start using your heating a lot more, and this will increase the chance of toxic gasses seeping into your home. Of course, there is still very little chance of this actually happening, but it’s still worth installing a carbon monoxide alarm into your home just to be on the safe side. The alarm will warn you if levels of the gas are ever at a dangerous amount, so you can evacuate your home and call all the necessary help. You’ll find that installing this alarm will give you plenty of peace of mind.


Clean Out The Gutters


It’s not just jobs inside that will need to be done. You also need to spend some time checking out your property’s exteriors, especially cleaning out the gutters. Through the autumn, the guttering will likely fill up with a lot of leaves fallen from nearby trees, as well as other foliage. You should clean this out before it blocks the gutters or else it could all cause a blockage. A blockage will prevent water from flowing through the gutters properly, and it could end up overflowing and trickling down the exterior walls. This could cause water damage which could end up quite significant if left for too long.


Bleed The Radiators


You should also consider bleeding all the radiators in your home. The more often you bleed them, then the warmer they will be able to get when you have your heating turned on. If you don’t bleed them, air will end up getting trapped in them, which will prevent them filling with water. This can make it hard for them to heat up. All you need to do to bleed your radiators is find the small valve on the side of them and turn it slightly until all the hot air comes rushing out. It’s a good idea to put an old rag or cloth on the floor as some dirty water could flow out as well.


Replace Your Curtains


What kinds of curtains do you have hung in front of your windows? If they are quite thin and transparent, it could be worth replacing them with some thicker and heavier ones. Lots of specialist curtain shops now stock seasonal curtains, and it really is worth switching them at the end of both winter and summer so that you get curtains that can help control the temperature of your home. They’ll keep your rooms cool in the summer and warm and cosy in the winter!


Sweep Used Chimneys


Do you have a working fireplace? If so, now is the time to sweep the chimney. A lot of heat can be lost through chimneys, and more heat will escape if it hasn’t been cleaned in a while. So, you better find the contact number of a reliable chimney sweep!


As long as you follow all of these tips, your home should be in tip-top shape once winter arrives. And you’ll be able to stay comfortable throughout the coming months!

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