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How Do You Know When You Should Change Your Style?

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It’s something that we aren’t always too sure about, especially as we get older. If you are passing an age milestone, you may start to think about dressing your age, rather than your shoe size. But, there are many different factors that come into play when we are thinking about changing our style.

Are There Things You Just Don’t Like Anymore?

Look at your clothes, and if there are many items you own that are gradually going onto the “maybe” pile, maybe it’s time to actually throw them out? On the other hand, if you’re holding onto clothes that you haven’t worn for a year, are you ever going to wear them? But think about if you are holding onto these for a specific reason, such as if you think they’ll come back into fashion. There’s no point in having clothes clog up your closet if you’re not going to put them to good use.

Are You After A Change?

Sometimes we can grow tired of our current wardrobe, and even if you’ve made a significant cull to remove the vast majority of your clothing, is it time to throw everything out completely and start again? We change our style in relation to our attitude, such as if that low hanging pair of jeans that you used to wear every day doesn’t look so appealing anymore. Or maybe your sartorial choices are too dark; it might be time to embrace a bit more of the summery styles, regardless of the time of year! A site like Filly Flair is full of summery styles to suit any occasion. And the colors that you wear will reflect your mood. If you are the thinking about embracing a more positive outlook in life, your clothing choices can reflect this.

Are People Passing Comment?

It’s never nice to hear, but if a parent or someone close to you is making a comment here and there about if you put on a “little bit” of weight, we can take it to heart. But, short of getting fit and losing weight so we can fit back into our favorite dresses, are we just wearing clothes that are too tight, and therefore, unflattering? Working to change your style isn’t just about looking your age, but it’s about making you feel happier in yourself. If you are wearing clothes that are too tight, or don’t highlight your attributes, then you owe it to yourself to make a few simple changes.

Remember, there are things about ourselves that we all like to change, but our dress sense is one of the things that can reflect our personality, inside and out. Changing your style isn’t about making alterations to your appearance as you age you, but you should dress according to your personality and how young you feel. No matter how many anti-aging serums you would attempt to ingest on the quest for eternal youth, it’s far better for you to feel content in yourself, and have this reflected in your own individual fashion choices.


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