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When the human body goes through a lot of stress, it is harmful to both your physical and mental wellbeing. That is why it is so important that you take steps to manage it as best you can.

Unfortunately, many people fall into bad habits and unhealthy coping mechanisms such as compulsive eating, smoking or drinking too much alcohol. If you feel like the latter has become a problem for you, take a look at Schick Shadel Hospital. In this article, we will look closer at some of the main causes of stress in your life, as well as a couple of healthier coping methods.




Whatever kind of work you do, this can be a major cause of stress in your life. You spend so much of your life there and the causes of stress include dealing with a bad boss, coping with high workload and coworker conflicts. Add to this your commute time and the fact that we are now more connected to our jobs than ever thanks to technology. When you get home at the end of the day, you need to try to switch off as best you can by doing things to take your mind off work such as exercise, socialising with friends or simply watching a movie. And if a job is causing you high levels of anxiety, remember that you are not attached to it and you can always switch career path if things get too difficult to cope with.




Relationships which are not going well can put a huge strain on our lives. In fact, divorce is said to be the second most stressful event that you can go through. Some relationships can be greatly improved with open and honest communication, and there are also counsellors and therapists out there who can provide a major helping hand. However, there are others which are abusive and toxic which are better off being left behind.


Life Changes


Change is something that it difficult to deal with no matter what stage of life you are going through. Examples of major changes which can have a big impact include everything from pregnancy to the death of a loved one. Ultimately, you need to be prepared to accept and embrace the things which are beyond your control, positively influence the things that you can, and be able to distinguish between the two.




In fact, many causes of stress take place exclusively in our own heads. Everyone dwells on things and most people are too hard on themselves, but when this turns into a spiral of negative thinking, this is when it becomes a problem. Though it isn’t easy, this can be dealt with over time and work to replace the negative thoughts with more positive ones.


So, there you have just four of life’s biggest stress causes as well as some of the ways that you can tackle them in a direct manner.


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