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Losing Your Libido: Four Things You Can Do To Get Back In The Saddle

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There are so many things that go on in life that keep you busy. Heading to work, managing deadlines, keeping a balanced social life, managing a home and even managing children. Everything in this list keeps you on your toes and one of the things that often falls by the wayside while you’re trying to keep all the balls in the air is your relationship.

No one goes into a marriage believing it’s easy, but when you’re both scrambling to keep up, the romance and intimacy you once had are in danger of being gently let go in favor of sleep and continuing the daily grind. When you run into a patch of stress, or you’ve just had a baby, the last thing that you want to think about is sex. Sex is an important part of keeping the connection between you both alive, but it’s not the only thing out there. It’s also very important that you identify the reasons behind your sex life deteriorating. There are both psychological and physical reasons for loss of libido and if you speak to your doctor, they can get to the bottom of the physical side of things. This could mean tests to check for a hormone imbalance before natural hormone replacement therapy, or it could mean going a little in depth to figure out whether something else is going on. It can be distressing to lose your libido when you have always had an active sex life, but here are four things that you can do to get back in the saddle and feel a little desire again.


Communicate. A conversation is so underrated. You may be feeling less than up for a hot night of passion, but your partner may also be feeling the same way. You need to talk to them and make sure that you are both on the same page when it comes to your sex life. Most of the time, both partners feel the same but haven’t voiced it; so, book a table and have a chat over dinner.

Start Small. You may have lost your libido, but that doesn’t mean you can’t be intimate. Kissing and hugging is always overlooked, but sometimes those small touches can mean everything. Start small and go from there.

Invest In Yourself. Sometimes, losing your libido comes from a lack of confidence. If you don’t love yourself a bit more, you could forget why your partner finds you desirable. Go shopping and find some lingerie that makes you feel as stunning as you are, and then move forward.

Just Jump. It’s never a good idea to feel like you’re having sex against your will, but when you’re exhausted and stressed, it sometimes takes just making that effort for physical contact to fall into the mood. Don’t complicate things; just get down to business and see where it takes you.

Sex isn’t all that counts; intimacy, communication and love all matter. Make an effort for those things and the rest will follow.


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