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It is important for people of all ages to take care of their skin.  In the hectic modern lives we live, it is often too easy to neglect one’s health and wellbeing.  The state of your skin says a lot about the state of your overall health, and with that in mind we have created a summary of how to properly remove make-up and cosmetics.

At the end of a busy day, it is difficult to resist the urge to go directly to bed without removing your make-up first, trust me it happens to all of us.  This is problematic for a number of reasons.  Make-up tends to clog the pores of your skin, which can lead to significant skin problems.  Your skin needs a chance to breathe, so it has the opportunity to regenerate itself.  If you go to bed at night while still wearing your make-up, you are simply asking for trouble, I should know and definitely learned my lesson.

You should begin by pulling your hair back and tying it in a ponytail.  The best place to begin is with your eye make-up.  Using a cotton ball that has been moistened with make-up remover, gently remove the make-up from the areas around your eyes.  Wipe each eye gently, until all cosmetic traces have been removed.  Be careful to avoid getting it in your eyes.

The next step is to perform a proper facial cleansing.  There are a number of excellent products on the market today, so take some time and do some research about each of them. Test a couple of different products, and be sure that you end up with one that is ideal for your skin type.  Place a small amount of your chosen cleanser into the palm of your hand, and lather it on your moistened face. You can always make your own makeup remover. I have provided an easy and very effective recipe for a makeup remover.

During this stage of your daily cleansing ritual, you should pay special attention to cleansing the areas where your make-up was applied.  It is best to use lukewarm water, as it will assist in the breakdown of your make-up and will ensure that your cleanser is able to reach its optimal lather.  Take your time, and be sure you don’t miss any of the areas where make-up was applied.  Rinse with warm water at the appropriate time, and be sure to remove all of the cleanser.  When you have completed this step, do it again.  Pat your face dry with a clean towel.

Proper facial cleansing is a simple procedure, but if it is not done regularly and in the proper manner your skin can become damaged.  As we have said, your skin needs to be able to breath to maintain optimal health and regenerate itself.  Try to incorporate a proper cleansing into your bedtime routine.  Your skin will thank you for it.

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