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MISAKI CONTACT LENSES – Pro Series Green Review

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We all want to change our looks and try something different, I for one am all about changing my eye color! I’ve got tons of contact lens colors but I have never really tried green, until I saw these MISAKI green contact lenses. I just had to try them.

First and foremost, these are bright he subtle giving it a very natural look, they are comfortable for a few hours so I recommend having some contact rewetting drops handy if you plan to wear them longer. They are super affordable at $34 considering that you pay almost $100 for Solotica or Desio lenses. So if you are on that money saving plan but still want to change your look affordably or have never tried lenses and don’t know if they are for you and don’t want to spend the money not to know then this is definitely a great starting point.

I really like how they looked on me personally and I have dark brown eyes.

If you’d like to get yourself a pair go to their website these will be under the Pro Series category! 

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