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“Mom Bod” I’m Wearing a Bikini This Summer

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One of the first things people told me when pregnant is that my body will never be the same after children. I shrugged it off. Why? Because I was a personal trainer and to me, you can always accomplish your goals and my goal was to get back to my old self in a year. Needless to say that I wasn’t being very realistic.

I was really struggling with my body for a while in the beginning, having a c-section basically put me out of the gym for 5 months and the stress of being a new mom I wasn’t making great decisions when it came to diet. When the doctor told me (last summer) I was good to go I started putting in the work and eating better.

I may not be at my goal or where I was before I became pregnant and trust me I was bikini body ready, had been since my life turned into fitness based lifestyle after I turned 21. I am now 30 and became pregnant at 28 so you can imagine what it was like not seeing my body as it once was for so many years. But, I keep reminding myself that time, patience and hard work is how I achieved it in the first place and it’s quite silly to believe that would change, that’s the constant.

I may not be 100% where I want to be with my new “mom bod” but I will get there and I am not going to stop wearing bikinis just because of it.

I have seen a lot of encouraging, body-positive blog posts, tweets, and Facebook status updates. Plus-size women rocking their two-piece bathing suits. Moms posing for pictures on the beach with their stretch marks and cellulite proudly on display. The internet is telling us that getting in the pool and having fun with our kids is more important than being self-conscious about how we look in our bathing suit. And, of course, it is.



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3 Responses

  1. I said this to my husband the other day! Our daughter is 3 and I’ve been rocking my one piece bathing suit with shorts since I had her. And I decided that when we go on vacation in November I’m busting out the two piece because, really? Who cares! Mom bods for the win!

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