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Bookroo Subscription Box

Hey lovely mamas!

It’s been a plan of mine ever since I found out I was going to be a mom that I was going to have a mommy section on this blog website! I didn’t know where to start because it was out of my territory until now! Being a mom is hard, I tip my hat to all you mamas doing it twice and three times over, you are the real MVP!

Now with that said I turn your attention to something that really has grabbed my attention which is a subscription box called Bookroo which is a subscription service that sends 2 books for children every month! They have a picture book plan (for ages 2.5 and up) and a board book plan (for ages 0-2.5). Since my little Logan is only 1.5 I went with the one she’s 0-2.5 plan.

So without further ado, my June books have arrived!

Bookroo sends the books individually wrapped which I think is so adorable!

This month we received Mother Goose’s Pajama Party by Danna Smith & A Dog Is a Dog by Stephen Shaskan, two very cute books which I am sure Logan will love me reading to him over and over again until next month’s books arrive.

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The Verdict: I highly recommend this subscription, It takes away the countless hours searching for the age appropriate books or the massive selection there is at the bookstore, not that I don’t enjoy a good trip to the bookstore since I myself am and avid reader, saves time and you know you are getting something curated for your little one.



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Sincerely grateful for your support,

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