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Shoes That Every Woman Should Have

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If you are looking for the ultimate wardrobe reshuffle this year, then there is one type of clothing which you either love to buy or you hate to buy: shoes. Most people think that all women love shoes, but the fact is that many women hat buying shoes just as much as everyone else. Shoes come in so many styles, colours, shapes and sizes that it can be confusing to find which ones you should add to your collection. Today we are going to take a look at those essential and classic items which you absolutely have to bring into your wardrobe this year.


Nude heels


Even if you hate wearing heels, you will always have times where they are needed to make your outfit look great. Heels come in many different styles and colours, but if you want a pair which will go with any outfit, nude heels are the best. You can choose open toed, pointy toed or wide fit, just make sure that the colour is nude so that it will go with any outfits that you decide to wear.




Everyone has to have a pair of sneakers! Whether you are going for a run or a walk in the park or you are running to the shops for a pint of milk: sneakers are the most important pair of shoes you can own because you can literally wear them all of the time. Get yourself a good pair of black or grey sneakers this year and they will got with any outfit that you want to wear.


Comfy shoes


Comfy shoes can be worn literally every single day, and comfort is the most important thing over style in your wardrobe. Think about making sure that you have a few different pairs of comfy shoes such as a felt boot, ballet pumps and some converse which will literally be the shoes you spend your life wearing. If you are running around all the time working or looking after kids, you will need shoes that you can count on.


Ankle boots


During the winter seasons the easiest pair of shoes you can wear is a pair of ankle boots. Ankle boots are easy to wear and they go with any outfit, whether you are wearing a jumper and jeans or a long sleeved dress. They are stylish and are the perfect addition to your wardrobe during the colder months of the year.


Hiking boots


Even if you don’t see yourself hiking up Mount Everest at any point in your life, a good pair of outdoor boots can be a life saver. If you decide to do go for walks in the summer in the countryside or go on a camping trip, hiking boots will be your saviour and what you live in throughout your time there. They will keep your feet dry, protected and offer grip for the ground so that you can stay standing all day long. They are definitely a wardrobe essential made for practicality, even if not for the style.


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