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Hi everyone! Well, today I brought an article over something that I really do enjoy: skincare!

In this article, you’ll find a few of my tricks on skincare and also some tips, if you’re not very used to it. I decided to put here an ideia of what would be a nice routine for you to follow, some inexpensive product ideas and some extras that are nice to know, so let’s do this!

Part one: Get yourself used to a routine!

Getting yourself a skincare routine can really help and improve you skins health, and this routine should included morning and night.

+ First, cleanse, ALWAYS. If you’re kind of lazy, you can go for a light cleanser and only do it once, but if you’re really in to it like me, and want bigger and better results faster, double cleanse: First, with an oil cleanser, second with a foaming cleanser, I recommend the double cleanse by Pixi Beauty by Petra, you can find it at Target!

+ Second, exfoliate! BUT do that only do that 1-2 a week, so that your skin won’t get to sensitive! No one wants skin that’s hurting!

+ Tone, tone, tone! This step is so important, because toning, helps to normalize your skin’s PH levels and much more!

+ Moisturize! This step is an absolute must, so that all the natural moisture of your skin locks up, and all those products you used before stay in your skin!

+ Eye- cream! If you have eye-bags and tired- looking eyes, be sure to use this, because it will not only minimize this, but it will also prevent aging and wrinkles!

+ Last, but not least, SUNBLOCK! Wether it’s cloudy or incredibly sunny, always put on sunblocker if you’re leaving your house. Just ’cause you can’t see the sun, doesn’t means the UV rays aren’t there. This step is major importance, becaus sun-block protects your skin from aging and also protects you from skin cancer, for example!

+ Don’t ever forget to drink lots and lots of water, it not only hidrates your body, but also prevents breaking out, makes your skin shine, and look healthy!

FF Tip: Buy youself a cute bottle, so that you will feel even more motivated to drink water!

+ Apply face masks once a week, to keep everything in perfect harmony, you can apply sheet masks or peel-off ones, you decide!

+ Have a healthy diet, because what you eat totally influences your skin’s look. Eat less oily and greasy foods, and more greens, fruits and veggies.

+ Get yourself a dermatologist, because, really? Who better than a professional to help you, right?

+ GET PLENTY SLLEEP! Sleep at least 8 hours per night, so that you feel relaxed and calm, and your skin look bright, sparkly and beautiful!

FF Tip: Arrange your bed in a very cute way, that you like, so that you feel good, when going to sleep!

Hope this has helped you guys in your skincare journey for 2018, see you all in the next article!

P.S.: If nobody has told you this yet today, you are beautiful, loved, amazing and perfect as you are!

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