It will be a few weeks before it is officially Spring. After being little hibernating bears, it’s finally starting to warm outside, which means cleaning out our space of accumulated items and allowing some breathing room into our lives.
Spring not only brings us a new season, but also more sunlight, which allows us to plan fun activities, but before we can do that…
Here are some areas in our lives that need to be cleaned and organized.

Remove one item at a time
It can be completely overwhelming to consider all of the spaces that need to be cleared away, so breaking things down into small manageable steps can actually provide you with the momentum you need to continue spring cleaning.
Be-gin by clearing a shelf in your bathroom one at a time.
Seasonal Items
Are your Christmas decorations still up? Well, spring is the ideal time to put it away. Start storing your winter blankets, pillows, and other items in a shelf or closet where you won’t have to think about them again until the next winter/fall season.
Reorganize your furniture
Rearranging what you already have is the cheapest way to give your space a new look. It gives your space a feeling of newness. Place your bed against a different wall in the room. Install a light curtain so that light can filter through in the mornings. Simple things like this can breathe new life into an old space.
Digital De-cluttering
When we think of decluttering, we usually think of getting rid of things around the house, but with technology, we have accumulated a lot of things that are also in the digital space. Set a 15-minute timer and go through your photos and social media accounts, unfollowing people who no longer inspire you.
De-clutter Your Mind
Another aspect of spring cleaning that we overlook is our mental health. I personally enjoy when the sun shines because it allows me to go outside and soak up some vitamin D by taking a walk, which makes me feel better. So, before Spring arrives, consider your mental health and how you feel.

New Practices
A new season necessitates the establishment of a new routine. While in the winter l you may have cuddled with a book and a warm cup of coffee and relished taking those extra 30 minutes cuddled in bed, in the spring you may take 10 minutes to stretch, 10 minutes to drink water, and 10 minutes to listen to a podcast. Alter your routine.
Remove Individuals
I understand that this appears to be a strange concept because people are not things that can simply be discarded. The reasoning behind it is that you are a reflection of the people around you. Do the people around you make you feel good about yourself? Do they make you feel better?
Spring Essentials
When you’ve finished getting rid of things and organizing what you like. Get two things: one is flowers, and now that the flowers are blooming, bring the beauty into your home by adding a fresh set of flowers every other week, and so on. Also, purchase a candle that you adore. I used to only buy candles in the fall and winter because they are cozy, but lighting a candle or having a spring-scented item around the house can also improve your mood.