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If you enjoy fashion and style, you probably want to look stylish all the time. Even a very simple look can be elevated to look more chic with a few simple tips and tricks. 

  1. Find a local tailor. One of the best and simplest ways to elevate your style is to make sure all your clothes fit you properly. Find a tailor near you, and take all your clothes there to be adjusted to fit you perfectly. This is especially worth it for items like jackets, smart trousers or dresses. This will make your clothes look more expensive and much more chic. 
  2. Invest in a hand steamer. If you don’t have time to iron, you can give your clothes a quick once over with a hand steamer to get rid of creases. If you take a dress out of the wardrobe that has been a bit squashed in there since you last ironed, the hand steamer will banish creases and get it looking great again. 
  3. Dress for your comfort level. If you don’t like a trend, no matter how persuasive the salesperson is, don’t buy into it. Only buy pieces you like and feel good on. If you feel uncomfortable, you’ll look uncomfortable. 
  4. Shop with outfits in mind. If you’re considering some new items, you should think about how they will fit in your current wardrobe. If they don’t go with anything, don’t buy. Instead, think about what outfits you could create with the new piece you’re tempted by. 
  5. Practice the high-low mix. If you pile on a lot of high-end or high-fashion pieces you’ll look like you’re trying too hard. Instead, mix a statement piece like an amazing jacket from a leather shop with a basic item like a plain, but well-fitting, white t-shirt and an everyday makeup look
  6. Plan an outfit around a statement piece. Do you own something like a show-stopping pair of shoes? Create an outfit with the shoes as the star to show them off and create a cool look. 
  7. Dress for the elements. Style should be practical as well as beautiful. For example, match your fabric choices to the temperature, like saving wools for cold weather and wearing light cotton when the weather is more humid. 
  8. Pack an emergency kit for your handbag to deal with wardrobe malfunctions. A couple of safety pins in your bag is always useful, in case of broken zips or buttons. If you’re wearing pantyhose, take a spare pair out with you, just in case of runs. Broken buttons on your jeans can be secured with a hair tie. 
  9. Don’t worry about trends. Trends come and go, but style is timeless. If you don’t like a trend much, don’t feel that you have to buy in to it. On the same note, if you love a trend, keep wearing it even after the trends have moved onto something else. Experiment with past trends for an interestingly styled look. 
  10. For something really unique, upcycle your old pieces or items you have thrifted.

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