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The Best Campervan Travel Destinations

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Converting a campervan into cosy, mobile holiday accommodation is one of the latest travel trends.
This great idea helps you to save money whilst also allowing you to road trip around some stunning
locations in ultimate, familiar comfort. If you’re considering trying out this new trend, take a look at
this list of destinations which will help you make the most of your newfound freedom.


Scotland is one of the world’s most stunning regions thanks to its wealth of natural, rugged beauty.
Rural Scotland consists of awe-inspiring mountain ranges interspersed with vast valleys, and huge
lakes surrounded by thick forests. If you’re looking for stunning landscapes and photo opportunities,
this is the place for you, and you might even be lucky enough to see some of the beautiful wildlife
like the deer and the famous Scottish Highland cows. If you fancy a break from the wilderness, there
are also cities famous for their rich history and culture, such as Edinburgh and Glasgow where you
can experience medieval castles, golf resorts, and whiskey joints.


Norway is similar to Scotland in that it is famous for its mountains, forest, and lakes, but due to the
difference in climate it has the additional appeal of a beautiful layer of snow coating all of its visual
attributes. Norway has a coastline that stretches 20,000 kilometres, meaning you can drive for hours
taking in its glorious aesthetics. One word of caution if you do choose this route is to take out van
beforehand so you’re covered in case you have any accidents, or in case your van
struggles with all those miles.

One of the main benefits of taking a campervan to Norway is the chance that while you’re lying
under the stars you may catch sight of the world-famous Aurora Borealis. The Aurora Borealis is a
fascinating natural light display caused by solar winds disturbing the magnetosphere and can only be
seen in high-latitude areas of the world.


If you’re a nature and wildlife lover, Australia is the travel destination for you. The Australian
Outback is one of the world’s largest areas of land which remains uninterrupted by human
development. As a result of this it is a tranquil escape from everyday life, featuring stunning national
parks and plenty of camping grounds, so you can even top up your van’s supplies. Venturing off the
beaten track in Australia can result in you seeing some of the world-famous native animals, for
example kangaroos, crocodiles, koala bears and if you dare spend time on their glorious beaches you
could even see sharks and octopi. Australia is not a travel destination for the faint hearted!
To make the most of travelling in a campervan you need to head to destinations known for their
natural beauty. Scotland is ideal for those looking to experience a bit of culture too, while Norway is
perfect if you prefer a colder climate or are looking for somewhere romantic, thanks to the amazing
Aurora Borealis natural light display. Australia is the place to aim for if you’re looking to really be at
one with nature in the famous outback, or on the sunny beaches, with some amazing animals like
kangaroos, crocodiles and koala bears to see.

This blog,, has more travel tips, such as safety tips when road tripping
around America if you fancy campervanning there instead, or tips on completely different ways to
travel if not.

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