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What You Should Do To Develop Your Own Personal Style

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Developing your own personal style is something that fashion gurus and people in the industry talk about all the time. If you’ve never paid all that much attention to it before, now is the time for that to change. Why? Developing your own personal style is a lot of fun, and it means you get to ignore trends and rules and wear what feels good for you. The fact of the matter is, trends come and go, but true style lasts forever. This way, you’ll have a wardrobe full of items that you really love and want to wear over and over again, rather than pieces you wear one or two times and then get sick of. Ever muttered the words ‘I have nothing to wear’? – it’s probably because you’re buying into trends too much and not developing your own style.


Let’s take a look at what you should do:


Create A Mood Board

Start by creating a mood board, either on paper or by using a platform such as Pinterest. Only include pictures of outfits and items that you truly love. You can easily see patterns emerging this way, and perhaps what you should be wearing more of.


Assess Past Outfit Choices

Take a look at some of your past outfit choices. Why did you like them? Why didn’t you like them? Sometimes, you can figure it out by looking at the material, cut, or color. Maybe you felt it washed you out, so then you know you shouldn’t buy that color anymore. Maybe you hated the feel of the material, so you know to avoid that from now on. This can make shopping and styling far easier.


Shop your wardrobe, too. Get rid of items that don’t make you feel great, and ensure you have the items you love right where you need them. Make sure they’re not squashed and out of site, or you’ll forget about them.


Have Fun With Layering

Layering is great because you can use your pieces to create a unique outfit. You’ll wear pieces more often if you can be sure you’ll be able to layer and wear them with various pieces in your collection. You shouldn’t buy a piece without being sure it will go with at least a 2-3 other pieces in your wardrobe, or you just won’t wear it no matter how much you like it!


Build Up Your Jewelry Collection

Build up your jewelry collection so you can differentiate your outfits and have fun. You can check this out to get a feel for the pieces that can make your outfit choices stand out. Don’t forget to add jewelry every day.


Find People You Can Take Inspiration From

Find style inspiration, but don’t directly copy them. Just try to pick up on some of their tips and see how you go.


Visit A Personal Stylist/Shopper To Help You

A personal stylist/shopper can help you pick out the best colors for you, as well as the best shapes and styles. One session can be a huge help for those who are struggling!


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