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When Renting Is The Only Option: How to Improve Your Living Environment

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Sometimes we simply don’t have the opportunity to buy a house in the area we want to live in. If you are moving for work, you might have decided to let your own home and rent somewhere close to your workplace. You might be traveling the world and would like to make the most out of your money, and stay in an apartment instead of a hotel. Whatever your reasons are to rent, you will find that there are some restrictions related to what you can do and what you are not allowed to. If you would like to make the most out of your living environment, you might need to get creative. Below you will find a couple of tips on how to make the most out of your home.

Check the Area

It is important that you first check where you are moving to. If you are unfamiliar with the area or are relocating for business or work, you will have to do your research and talk to knowledgeable estate agents. There are several great resources online that will help you navigate your way around the complicated rental market and make the most out of your choices. No matter how new the area is for you, there will always be someone who knows it like the back of their hand. Don’t just jump on a cheap deal, and check out the latest hdb rental rates in your preferred location, so you can avoid disappointment. 

Before finalizing on renting make sure you have gone through all the options and have analyzed your finances as renting a place tends to cost a lot over the years and even after paying a ton of amount the house does not become yours. If you are still stuck and are having a hard time making a decision, then you can go through this USDA home loan requirements blog content and find out if you come under this eligibility criteria. This is one such stage where the more time you take and research you do, will only help you make a better decision for your future. It could even go as far as steering you away from needing rent assistance, if you’re not on top of finances from the outset.

Check the Contract

It is also important that you are aware of all the terms and conditions, as well as the clauses. You might have a restricted tenancy or cold get your contract terminated at any time. The things you should focus on are the terms, the notice period, and the assurances. If you are renting the home unfurnished, it is important to check whether or not the fixtures and appliances are included and whether or not they have safety certificates.

Ask the Landlord

Before you would carry out any home improvement work or change the structure of the house, you will have to get the landlord’s approval. In some extreme cases, even drilling a hole or fixing a headboard for your bed might be classed as structural change, so it is always best to check the tenancy agreement and make sure that you are able to do what you want to in your home before you sign the dotted line. After all, you might be staying for longer than a few months, and don’t want to be restricted in what you can do to make yourself and your family more comfortable.

Get Ideas from Other People in the Region

It might also be a good idea to visit your neighbors who have similar homes or apartments to get some ideas on how to improve the functionality and the appearance of your home without having to seek permission. Whether it is a next door neighbor you are talking to or someone living in a similar home, you can get some color and furniture arrangement tips that will improve your comfort and help you make the most out of your rented space.

Rent Unfurnished

If you have a choice and there are options on the real estate market, you might want to look for unfurnished properties, especially if you are looking to rent long term. Part furnished apartments with all the appliances might be good, too, but you certainly want your new fresh bed and your carpets so you can make space feel your own. If you have your own cooker and your washing machine, make sure that it fits perfectly, so you can arrange your living space how you want to.

Offer to Decorate

It might also be a good idea to sit down with the real estate agent or the landlord and offer to redecorate the house. Make sure that you demonstrate which colors you will use and ensure them that you will do a professional job. If, for example, you have a small kitchen and you can create a dining room in an unused space, you will need to show your plans to the owner, as this might increase the value of their property long term. If you get lucky, you might even get a discount on the rent if you invest your own money. Alternatively, you can ask the landlord to carry out the work before you move in.

Discuss Pets

One of the main sources of disagreements between tenants and owners is pets. If you only have a short-haired cat, chances are that you will not have a problem. However, keeping large dogs or long haired animals in the rented house can be an issue, and it is best to come clean before you move in. You don’t want to cause damage to the owner’s valuables. If you rent a home that has hard flooring you have a better chance of being able to move with your four-legged animal. You will have to arrange where you would keep the pets and offer to pay for any potential damage.

Ask About the Release Clause

You don’t want to be made homeless after six months of moving in and start all over again. You will need to check whether there is a “break clause” in the agreement, which means that the tenancy can be terminated without giving a reason after six months. If there is a tenancy release clause, it means that if you are not happy and would like to leave before the tenancy term is up, you will need to pay a fee as a compensation for your real estate agent or your landlord.

Create an Inventory

It is crucial that you create an inventory when you move in and take photos. In most cases, the agent will do this job, but if they don’t include this service, you will have to document everything. This will prevent loads of disputes and help you prove your point if the landlord is arguing that you caused damage to the property or decorated without their permission. You will need to get the property inventory signed by the landlord, so you know that both of you are on the same page.

Find Out What Your Landlord’s Responsibility Is

It is important that you check the state legislation and find out what the responsibilities of your landlord are. If they need to check the safety of the electrical and heating equipment regularly or get the furnace serviced, you will have to make them hold their end of the bargain. You should never try and fix things yourself and always give your landlord a written notice of repairs needed, so they can’t deny knowing about the issues later.

Focus on Soft Furnishing

If you would like to make your rental property homely, you can do this without changing much about the house. Instead, add color and personal touches by getting your own curtains and soft furnishing. You can also get some personalized canvas made that will have your family on, so you can feel like you are actually home and not only staying in a temporary accommodation. Get some stunning area rugs that are easy to remove when you decide to move on, and put your DIY skills to good use by creating unique cushion covers and drapes for your new home.

Make the Most Out of Your Space

In some cases, you might need some interior design advice when you move into a rental property. Obviously, you don’t want to spend too much on somebody else’s house, and you are not allowed to move walls or change the flooring, either. This leaves you with some temporary room dividers, curtains, shelves, and stunning furniture to improve the functionality, the comfort, and the looks of your home. Discuss property management tips for winter, winter property management tips, select which ones are suitable for your region and climate.

Get a Discount on Your Home Improvements

Whenever you feel like you would like to improve the home, run it by the agent and the owner. However, if you don’t want to end up wasting your money, you can do two things. Either ask for a discount that is equivalent to the cost of materials and labor and gets a rental rate reduction for a certain time, or negotiates your contract. If you want to stay for a long time, this might be the perfect time to get your landlord to agree to a longer-term tenancy, a secured status, or a better term for terminating the agreement. After all, you want to feel safe in your home, knowing that you have some basic rights.

Whether you are renting because you can’t afford to live in the area, or you are working away, you will have to be vigilant and check the agreement carefully. Be sure to sit down with the agent and the landlord and ask them about the different clauses of the agreement. Avoid being tied to an agreement with a release clause, but also make sure that you have enough time to find alternative accommodation if the tenancy is terminated. 

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