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It’s not easy to get body confident, when you feel as though everyone around you has features that you just don’t have. So you see, we’re our own biggest critic, and boy do we like to point out as many things as we can that might be wrong with us. But the question you need to ask yourself is this. Are they really things that are wrong with your body? Or are they things that you just can’t help but scrutinise, even though your average person would never notice them? But, whatever your thoughts may be, there’s nothing worse than not being confident with your body. So, we’ve put together some excellent pieces of advice that should help to boost your confidence instantly, have a read of the tips we have below.


Don’t Fear Judgement


It’s so easy to feel judgement from those around you, even though they might not be making comments at all. Due to social media, we all have an image in our heads of what perfection is, but social media is one of the fakest places to be. Social media is full of photoshop, nasty comments, and competition. Most of those who post of social media are doing it for likes and attention, but the attention that it brings isn’t always the best! However, we’re here to tell you that you shouldn’t fear judgement from anyone but yourself. You already are going to be your biggest critic, but that doesn’t mean you have to put yourself down all of the time. Every morning, sit in front of the mirror and find something you really like about yourself, rather than pointing out all of the bad parts. It’s a therapeutic way to start the day, and should help you to stop fearing judgement.


Make The Changes You Want To Make


Another thing that stops us from being confident, is not making the changes that we want to make. If you’re someone who stands in front of the mirror and hates their weight, there’s always going to be time to sort that through a healthy diet, combined with enough exercises. Some people hate mistakes that they made in their younger years, such as a horrible tattoo. In this instance, you should check out Sentient Lasers, and see if it’s worth getting the tattoo laser removed. Yes, it’s a painful process, but it’s the only way of getting the ink fully off of your body. It’ll make you feel brand new again once it has been healed. Don’t let anybody stop you making the changes that you want to make, no matter what it is.


Staying Body Confident With Age


Even if you’re not aging as it were at the minute, the years will soon pass by, and there’s nothing worse than the insecurities you’ll have as you age. If you want our advice, it’s to embrace your body no matter what changes are happening to it. Everyone is going to go through the same process, so don’t feel as though you’re the odd one out with it all. You should help to uplift other women who are going through the process, and allow them to do the same to you.

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