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Mineral Makeup – Pur Minerals Review

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Pur Mineral Makeup Review:

mineral makeup - pur minerals

Mineral Makeup for Skin, For the past few years I have been majorly frustrated at the kind of makeup I was buying. I have sensitive skin which tends to break out on occasion. So when my face got really bad I would pile on the make up and the brand of make up I usually bought wasn’t at all healthy for my skin to much oil, even when I tried the Neutrogena non-oily stuff my face didn’t feel great. So I thought well its just me, so I decided to go to the dermatologist. Yea granted she gave me medicine and topical ointments.

She said a few important things to me. 1.) Stop touching your face. 2.) Drink plenty of water and eat good. 3.) Get rest, Sleep 7-8 hours and finally 4.) Change your makeup.

So I did I tried a few things here and there but I didn’t feel like they were helping my skin condition at all. Then one random day I decided to go to Ulta and just walk around and look at things. I must have looked suspicious or maybe confused because a very nice sales Lady came up to me and asked if I needed any help. Usually I would say “No, Thanks I am just looking.” but I felt compelled to ask her about makeup that I could use  that is healthy, wont clog my pores, is completely oil free and has some sort of SPF in it.

She gave me a few options and then told me that the best one by far that shes used is a mineral makeup was PUR Minerals. Then she led me to the isle where all the mineral makeup was. She handed me a kit and said “Trust Me.” So I bought it, and took it home a little skeptical but still very hopeful. That very same day I started using it and the more I used it the more I loved it. I am now completely in love with the PUR Minerals makeup line, My face and myself are very very happy customers.

Some things that I love about this product is the excellent coverage, not to mention how long it stays put. It literally takes no time at all to apply and if you get the kit. I definitely recommend you start with the Kit, you get a Mineral Glow and a Marble Pink Powder which give you nice color. The thing I really love most out of all the great things I have already mentioned is the natural ingredients and SPF 15. The SPF part is very important to me. I am ready to take my relationship with PUR Minerals further and try more of they’re products.

So as I said its worth it so give it a try. For more info check out


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