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Maca is a plant which is known by the name Lepidium Meyenii. It is a similar plant to ginseng and grows in the Andes. It is related to the cruciferous vegetable group including broccoli, kale, and cauliflower. It has been used for thousands of years in dietary medicines in Peru.


The main thing which people use this plant for is as a health supplement in smoothies, oats and protein balls. The root of the plant is crushed and usually used as a powder alongside other supplements.


If you have never heard about Maca before, then you are definitely missing out. Maca is an incredibly useful superfood which can bring a ton of amazing benefits to your body and soul. Here are some of the biggest health benefits you can expect from ingesting Maca powder every day.


  1. It’s Nutritious

The first point is the most obvious, otherwise, we wouldn’t be here talking about it! Maca powder is incredibly nutritious, which makes it a popular addition to many plant-based diets and people who try to love a healthy lifestyle overall. You can buy this supplement from Isula Nature in the form of a powder or a tablet, whichever you prefer, but you can expect these macros from every 28 grams:

Carbs: 20 grams
Protein: 4 grams
Fiber: 2 grams
Fat: 1 gram
Vitamin C: 133%

Copper: 85%

Iron: 23%


The main point about maca is that it is low in fat but dense in other essential vitamins and minerals, which makes it a perfect addition to healthy smoothies and oatmeal for a nutritious breakfast.

  1. It Increases Sex Drive


As we grow older, our sex drive does tend to diminish, but there are certain ingredients which are known to increase our libido and make us happier people overall. One of these plants is maca.

3. It May Increase Fertility


For men, this supplement may also have the added benefit of increasing fertility. This means that you are much more likely to produce a baby with your partner. Maca works in this way by increasing the quantity and the quality of sperm which men produce.

  1. Relieves Symptoms of Menopause

One of the great benefits of this plant is that it can help women to cope with thief menopause by soothing some of the symptoms which go along with it. There are a lot of different hormones and factors which come into play during this part of a woman’s life, and it is the time where women stop having periods completely. The symptoms of this can be incredibly unpleasant such as hot flushes, mood swings and sleeping issues. Maca is beneficial in helping women to sleep normally and it also calms any irritability they suffer during this time of their lives.


  1. Maca Can Boost Your Mood


Maca can be useful for use with those who suffer for, mental issues such as anxiety or depression as it can help to improve your mood. This plant contains flavonoids, which are a chemical that stimulate the release of positive hormones throughout the body, thus having an effect on the subject neurologically.


  1. It Gives You Energy


If you ever watch fitness gurus on YouTube, you may notice that they will often take different supplements alongside a healthy diet to promote the release of energy as well as stimulate muscle repair after exercise. Maca is a powder which is usually ingested in smoothies before a workout to increase energy and even help promote better sports performance. This is a great option if you are part of a sporting team or you often take part in workouts which require a certain amount of endurance.


  1. It Has UV Protection Qualities


The main way which people utilize this supplement is by using it within their diets, however, this isn’t the only use for this plant. If you take some maca extract and apply it to the skin, it can act as a sunscreen and protect your skin from harmful UV rays. This doesn’t mean that you can use maca in place of your usual sunscreen, but if you can apply some alongside it, you will be much more protected from the sun and therefore at lower risk of developing skin cancer or other ailments.


  1. It Can Boost Memory


One of the great plus sides of taking maca powder daily is that it can actually improve the way your brain functions. This can be useful for children throughout their school years and even into adulthood if you are working in an intense job.


Maca Smoothie Bowl Recipe


Now that you know all of the many benefits of adding maca into your diet, it is time to see how you can incorporate it into your everyday meals. Maca has a very earthy and nutty flavor, and because of this, it suits being paired with sweet, creamy flavors. Today we are going to look at a salted caramel maca smoothie bowl.




  • 2 tsp maca powder
  • 4 dates (soaked)
  • 1 frozen banana
  • 1 tsp cinnamon
  • ½ tsp salt
  • 250 ml almond milk
  • 1tsp vanilla protein powder


Blend all of your ingredients in a high powered blender until smooth. Place into a bowl and then top with fruits, desiccated coconut, goji berries and anything else you like.


Maca Cinnamon Oatmeal


The second recipe is one which is simple, easy to make and satisfying as a warming breakfast in the winter months. Oats are a brilliant way to fill you up without consuming a ton of fat and gluten, so this next recipe is a great healthy option for the mornings.




  • 1 cup oats
  • 1 tbsp honey
  • 2 tsp maca powder
  • 1 tsp cinnamon
  • 80g frozen berries
  • 1 Apple
  • 300ml almond milk


Mix all ingredients together in a bowl and then cover it with clingfilm. Stick in the microwave for 3 minutes on full power, stirring halfway through. Alternatively, you can put this into a baking dish and bake for 30 minutes at 200C. Eat warm and enjoy.


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